

The EUROSTUDENT team organises and supports a variety of internal and external conferences, workshops and seminars in order to inform about the project results and to propel the debate on the social dimension of higher education in Europe. The database below lists all major EUROSTUDENT activities as well as relevant external events and conferences.
  • 2024
  • 19 September 2024

    How are students faring? Well-being, mental health, and the role of financial stress in (post-Covid) European Higher Education

    EUROSTUDENT 8 was the first project round with a specific module on mental health and well-being. We presented some intriguing results and discussed this topic at the EUROSTUDENT Talks on the 19th of September. How do students rate their general health and overall degree of happiness? To what extent do students experience mental health problems? What type of mental health challenges occur most frequently? Are students aware of counselling options and do they perceive it useful? Ardita Muja and Joris Cuppen from ResearchNed shed light on these and some other questions from an international comparative perspective. In addition, Mikael Raihhelgauz from think tank Praxis showed us how financial stress impacts student mental health.

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  • 10 - 11 July 2024
    Vienna, Austria
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT 8 Final Conference

    It is our pleasure to inform you that the EUROSTUDENT 8 Final Conference is scheduled to be held from the 10th to 11th of July in Vienna, Austria. The event will take place at Vienna University of Economics and Business. The conference is planned for two days full of presentations of the latest EUROSTUDENT data, other research results, and discussions. Please save the dates and mind the Call for Papers! More detailed information about the conference will follow soon. We are already looking forward to welcome you in Vienna.

    Call for Papers

    Conference website

  • 13 June 2024

    How discrimination reveals itself in higher education? International comparative view and insight into the Swedish situation

    At the EUROSTUDENT Talks on the 13th of June, we turned our eyes to discrimination in the context of higher education. How prevalent are discrimination experiences among students and how do they vary across countries? Who are students discriminated by? Based on which criteria do students feel discriminated? Cordelia Menz from the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna, shed light on these and some other questions from an international comparative perspective. In addition, we took a look at Sweden to discuss the same issues at country level. Erica Finnerman, Jari Rusanen, and Sofia Scholler from the Swedish Council for Higher Education told us about discrimination and national minorities in the Swedish context and introduced the topics of mid-life students and mental health.

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  • 08 May 2024

    From campus to cloud? Understanding digital transformation and COVID-19's impact on students

    It is time to start revealing EUROSTUDENT 8 international results! We got the ball rolling with the Topical module reports and the first ones were introduced already at the EUROSTUDENT Talks on the 8th of May. How are countries doing when it comes to digitalisation of teaching, learning, and student life? How did COVID-19 pandemic impact students in European higher education? Hendrik Schirmer from the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) and Elisabeth Kendrali and Sandra Haugas from the Think Tank Praxis introduced these two rather intertwined topics to us.

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  • 25 April 2024

    Refugees in German Higher Education – from Study Preparation to Study Programs

    In view of the relatively low participation of refugees in tertiary education, debates about targeted support services have increased significantly in recent years. Based on the survey and qualitative interview data, Jana Berg and Michael Grüttner from The German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) discussed factors of successful study preparation and the situation of refugees studying at German universities. They looked at individual, institutional, and structural factors that shape the experiences of refugees in preparing for and studying at university.

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  • 14 March 2024

    Combining studies and paid work: Norwegian results from EUROSTUDENT 8

    Paid work alongside studies gives students important experience on the labour market and provides an additional income source. In Norway, it is quite common for students to work alongside their studies, but analyses based on EUROSTUDENT VI data indicate that there is a trade-off between time spent on paid work and time spent on study-related activities. At the EUROSTUDENT Talks, Anna-Lena Keute from Statistics Norway gave an overview of the situation of working students in Norway in 2022. How much time do different groups of students in Norway spent on study-related activities and paid work? And how many hours can Norwegian students work without spending less time on their studies compared to non-working students? What is the optimal balance between paid work and time spent on studies?

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  • 27 February 2024

    Main results and challenges arising from EUROSTUDENT 8 in the Czech Republic

    Lucie Hündlová and Michaela ¦mídová, both from the Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES) in Prague, introduced us to the main findings of the 8th round of the EUROSTUDENT survey in the Czech Republic. Firstly, the focus was on the trends that have remained more or less stable over time (i.e., entry to study, low level of public support, high proportion of working students). Secondly, Lucie and Michaela presented to us trends which, on the contrary, have undergone shifts and changes compared to the last round (i.e., higher proportion of students with financial and health problems). The results of the survey were discussed in the context of the current situation in higher education policy. Among other things, the presentation touched on several methodological and other challenges that were encountered during the preparation, implementation, and communication of the results.

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  • 25 January 2024

    Students' employment experience and their financial conditions in Georgia

    At this webinar, you got an insight into the data on students’ employment experiences and their financial conditions in Georgia. Based on fresh results from the EUROSTUDENT 8 survey, Ana Papiashvili from the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis delved into students' employment experiences during the current semester, emphasizing the significance they attribute to having paid employment and the needs it helps fulfil. Considering the challenge of aligning employment with their chosen profession, the presentation explored how closely students' work aligns with the content of their study program. Additionally, the presentation provided insights into students' financial situation, highlighting the contributions of various social groups to their incomes and expenses. It touched upon broader financial concerns, including savings and other financial issues. In essence, the presentation comprehensively addressed students' employment experiences and their present financial circumstances, encompassing both personal resources and external financial support.

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  • 2023
  • 14 December 2023

    Looking back and ahead: Students’ current challenges and expectations for 2024

    It has become almost a tradition that the last EUROSTUDENT Talks of the year gives us the chance to get a valuable insight into student life. And of course, we did it this year, too! In the discussion, three members of student unions from different countries shared their thoughts and opinions about the major challenges that students are currently facing, but also about their expectations for the year 2024. EUROSTUDENT was happy to welcome a very diverse and international group of speakers: Lisa Schivalocchi from Italy (UdU), Kelda McManus from Ireland (USI), and Amanda Ter¨ar from Slovenia (¦OS).

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  • 16 November 2023

    Small and cosy? Study conditions in Luxembourg through the lens of data visualisation

    As European societies become more diverse, so does the student population at European higher education institutions. At the same time, the student population in some countries has not been studied as extensively as in others. One of these countries is Luxembourg, which only established its first national university in 2003. In order to deepen the understanding of the Luxembourg student context, Emilia Kmiotek-Meier from the University of Cologne presented her work on Luxembourgish students & data visualisation at the EUROSTUDENT Talks. First, she focussed on study conditions and explored whether academic-related aspects are perceived in the same way by students from different migrant backgrounds, how they manoeuvre through the higher education context, how they cope and how they are supported. The second theme was data visualisation. How to visualize research results and patterns discovered in the data?

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  • 19 October 2023

    Students’ mental health: students thriving or simply surviving?

    Every year, the 10th of October is observed as World Mental Health Day. The aim of the day is to raise awareness of mental health issues and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. Thus, this time, on the 19th of October, the EUROSTUDENT Talks was dedicated to the topic of mental health, too. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted students' mental health, but what is the situation today? Are students thriving and enjoying the best years of their lives? Emily MacPherson from the European Students' Union discussed the latest findings about students’ mental health across Europe.

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  • 21 September 2023

    Determinants of student mobility in light of EUROSTUDENT and national statistics. Deriving policy measures that foster student mobility?

    International mobility of Finnish HE students has been steadily declining already before the COVID-19 pandemic since 2010. Finland is among the countries that produces an up-to-date comparable register based statistical data on student mobility by field of study, IHE and key student characteristics and this data can be accessed via an online statistical database (Vipunen). The average student mobility is found highest among students in business and social sciences, while being lowest in the fields of education and medicine. At the EUROSTUDENT Talks on 21 September, Juhani Saari from Statistics Finland suggested using the EUROSTUDENT data in determining the underlying motivational determinants that differentiate students within different fields of study. Are the field specific differences better explained through perceived benefits of mobility or differences in students’ social conditions? The findings may help determine new policy measures to boost student mobility of currently underrepresented groups.

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  • 15 June 2023

    The impact of COVID-19 on students’ well-being and approaches to learning in Denmark. Some thrive, while others don’t.

    Since the outbreak of COVID-19, students’ well-being and learning have become a concern. The lockdown during the pandemic caused a rapid shift from class-based to online teaching. The new online standards might be beneficial for some student groups, while others might have suffered from learning loss and mental health issues. At EUROSTUDENT Talks on 15 June, Amanda Weber from The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science introduced some findings of the research conducted with David Vestergaard Eriksen. They investigated how COVID-19 restrictions affect students’ well-being and approaches to learning differently. The data consists of 57,744 answers from The Danish Student Survey, collected in autumn 2020.

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  • 11 May 2023

    It’s not the same to live in a house as to a small hall of residence: housing conditions, psychological distress and academic success of students in France during the first COVID-19 lockdown

    Alexis Alamel from Sciences Po Rennes, Odile Ferry from French Observatory of Student Life and Elise Tenret from Paris Dauphine University introduced their research which explored the effects of the first COVID-19 lockdown on French students' housing situation, the relationship between housing and psychological distress and the relationship between housing and students’ academic performance and orientation. Their analysis is based on the 5,994 responses of students to two quantitative national surveys and 33 semi-structured interviews conducted amongst students living in university halls of residence in the North of France in spring 2020.

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  • 18 - 20 April 2023
    St. Julians, Malta
    EUROSTUDENT open event

    EUROSTUDENT Researchers’ Forum

    A Researchers' Forum will be held in Malta from 18-20 April 2023. It opens a platform for the participating countries to exchange best practices in national implementation of the EUROSTUDENT survey, to present and discuss EUROSTUDENT results and analysis strategies as well as to initiate and foster collaboration opportunities. Researchers and academics from the wider community of higher education and European students' representatives are invited to actively contribute to the event and submit abstracts. Thematically, the event focuses on students’ mental health & well-being, digitalisation of teaching, learning and student life, effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, and discrimination experiences. However, contributions on all other EUROSTUDENT topics are also welcome for an open track.

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  • 13 April 2023

    EUROSTUDENT microdata: How to use it and what you can do with it

    Sylvia Mandl from the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Austria, and Joris Cuppen from ResearchNed, The Netherlands, introduced the brand new EUROSTUDENT VII Scientific Use File 3.0, its contents, and explained where and how to apply for it. Furthermore, they presented inspiring examples from their own research (international student mobility, social integration of students) on the use of the microdata. Finally, they gave an outlook on the future SUF from the current eighth project round.

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  • 16 March 2023

    The student support system in mediating work-related dropout: a comparative analysis of four worlds of student funding

    In this session, Triin Lauri, Assistant Professor at Tallinn University, and Kaire Põder, Professor at Estonian Business School, presented their research that focussed on the determinants of student drop-out in different European countries. By using four most extreme cases of student funding - Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, and the Netherlands - they explained how the degree to which public financial student support buffers social disadvantages in mitigating student dropout varies across countries depending on how the systems of higher education, tuition fees and subsidies are organized.

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  • 16 February 2023

    Students‘ well-being, discrimination, digitalisation and effects of the pandemic. Insights from Estonia based on EUROSTUDENT 8.

    At this webinar, the audience got an exclusive first look into the data on students' experiences and their situation in Estonia in 2022. Sandra Haugas and Elisabeth Kendrali from the think tank Praxis talked about fresh results from the EUROSTUDENT 8 survey, focusing on the four new themes: mental health and well-being, digitalisation, the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, and discrimination experiences. The webinar was exceptionally not recorded as it was an exclusive sneak peek at some EUROSTUDENT 8 results from Estonia that were only preliminary.

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  • 26 January 2023

    Working while studying – Trends, comparisons and context in the Czech Republic

    At the EUROSTUDENT Talks on 26 January 2023, Lucie Hündlová and Michaela ¦mídová, both from Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES) in Prague compared the results from EUROSTUDENT 8 (data collection in spring 2022) with the previous period. What does the “working-while-studying” phenomenon looks like now in the Czech Republic? Have pandemics and economic problems in society (e.g., inflation, rising energy prices) affected students' work patterns, activities and strategies? Have the reasons that lead students to work during their full-time studies changed significantly?

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  • 2022
  • 15 December 2022

    Looking Back and Ahead: Students' Current Challenges and Expectations for 2023

    This year's last EUROSTUDENT Talks gives us the chance to get a valuable insight into student life. In the discussion four members of student unions from different countries share their thoughts and opinions about the major challenges that students are currently facing, but also what are their expectations for the year 2023. EUROSTUDENT is happy to welcome a very diverse and international group of speakers: Bjørn Olav Østeby from Norway (NSO), Bruna Bandula from Croatia (CSC), Carlotta Eklöh from Germany (FZS), and Katariina Järve from Estonia (EÜL).

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  • 24 November 2022

    Students’ Financial Situation and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Switzerland

    How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect students’ financial situation and mental health in Switzerland in 2020? At EUROSTUDENT Talks on the 24th of November, we had a look at national-level results on students´ financial difficulties and mental health problems during the pandemic. Drawing on a specific questionnaire module integrated in the Swiss Survey of higher education graduates, the results show for the first time general trends and striking differences across student groups. Discover how the situation looks like in Switzerland at the webinar with Yassin Boughaba from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

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  • 28 October 2022

    Student funding by different welfare state principles – an empirical system comparison

    Within the framework of social policy, there are three basic principles that can be used to design a social security system: 1) the welfare principle, 2) the supply principle and 3) the insurance principle. These principles can also be used to design a public student support system. But what results do countries actually achieve when they follow one of these principles in public student funding? Are there any differences, perhaps even important ones? Which system is better for students or society, when measured by certain characteristics?

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  • 22 September 2022

    EUROSTUDENT 8 results for the Netherlands: what do the Topical Modules show us?

    On the 22nd of September, EUROSTUDENT Talks offered a chance to take a look at the results for the EUROSTUDENT 8 Topical Modules from the Netherlands. Ardita Muja and Joris Cuppen from ResearchNed covered in their presentation all the very intriguing and topical issues: a) impact of COVID-19; b) digitalization of teaching, learning and student life; c) students’ discrimination experiences, and d) students’ mental health and well-being. The webinar was exceptionally not recorded as it was an exclusive sneak peek at some EUROSTUDENT 8 results from the Netherlands that were only preliminary.

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  • 22 June 2022

    The Relationship Between Student Funding Policy and Student Welfare

    Student funding policies – that is arrangements regarding scholarships, student loans, tax benefits, family allowances, and tuition fees – vary greatly across Europe. Yet, very little is known about their actual impact on students’ economic well-being and structure of their income. Do students in countries with more generous support have higher total incomes? Do they receive less money from parents or earn less on the labour market? On the aggregate level, there is certainly a concern about the effectiveness of funding policies in reducing student economic hardship. At next EUROSTUDENT Talks, Krzysztof Czarnecki - assistant professor at the Poznań University of Economics and Business - will examine how different student funding policies in Europe are related to: 1) student welfare mix, that is the share of income coming from parents, state, and labour, and 2) students' objective and subjective economic well-being. The analysis is based on the Student Support and Fees Dataset (2005-2015) and the EUROSTUDENT survey data.

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  • 15 - 16 June 2022
    Tallinn, Estonia
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT policy workshop

    A EUROSTUDENT workshop ‘EUROSTUDENT in context’ is scheduled to be held for policy coordinators on 15/16 June in Tallinn, Estonia. The workshop is planned for 1.5 days starting from 4 pm on 15 June and continuing with a day full of discussions and presentations on 16 June from 9 am to 4:30 pm. More detailed information about the workshop will follow in April. Please save the dates!

  • 27 May 2022

    International Student Mobility – How are We Doing After the Pandemic and What’s the Way Forward?

    We know from the EUROSTUDENT VII data that most students (a cross-country average of 64%) who have been temporarily enrolled abroad organised the mobility period via the Erasmus(+) programme. In EUROSTUDENT Talks we are happy to welcome Juan Rayón González, the president of Erasmus Student Network, to discuss how has the pandemic affected international student mobility and what are the changes and challenges ahead.

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  • 26 April 2022

    Making previous learning count - flexible pathways into and within higher education

    Students who enter higher education later and use alternative qualifications are often older, have children and are also more likely to be first-generation students. Whereas in most EHEA countries, alternative access students make up less than 10% of the student population, the share is considerably higher in some countries. At our next EUROSTUDENT Talks webinar, we will examine the role of higher education institutions in facilitating the entry of non-traditional student groups through alternative access routes. Join us to learn about good practices of higher education institutions in Malta and Estonia.

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  • 31 March 2022

    How WEIRD are transnationally mobile students?

    Are there any differences between degree and credit mobility? What determines mobility patterns in a global perspective compared to the European perspective? Do differences also exist between genders when looking at student' mobility patterns from a global perspective? Is there a connection between countries’ degree of academic freedom and their attractiveness as study destination? If you are interested in discussing these questions, come and join the next EUROSTUDENT Talks where we are welcoming Eva Maria Vögtle, a researcher from DZHW, Germany. Eva Maria will talk about some of her publications in the field of international student mobility in comparative manner, also contrasting them to EUROSTUDENT findings.

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  • 22 February 2022


    As in January a new European strategy for universities was published, next EUROSTUDENT Talks will focus on this freshly launched material and discuss how we could, using data smartly, move towards diversity, inclusiveness and equity in our HE systems. We are happy to welcome Lucie Trojanová from the European Commission, who will introduce the ideas of this strategy from the EU perspective. Kaisu Piiroinen and Berto Bosscha from two EUROSTUDENT countries, Finland and the Netherlands, will join the discussion to reflect on the strategy and how they think EUROSTUDENT data help countries to achieve the goal of inclusive HE.

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  • 27 January 2022

    Students With Impairments in Higher Education - Supported Enough or Rather Left Out?

    According to the EUROSTUDENT data, on average, a quarter of students with impairments (SWI) often feel out of place in higher education – this figure is 10 percentage points higher than among students without an impairment. How satisfied are SWI with their experiences in the academic environment? Are they supported enough? What could be done in higher education institutions (both by the staff and fellow students) and by policy-makers to better facilitate both academic and social integration of SWI? Come and join EUROSTUDENT Talks webinar on the 27th of January at 11CET to find out more about this topic! We are happy to welcome Jakob Rosin, a radio journalist, leader of Estonian Blind Union and an alumnus of Tallinn University, who will share his own experience in higher education and reflect the subject in broader, policy sense as well.

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  • 2021
  • 16 December 2021

    Looking Back and Ahead: Students’ Current Challenges and Expectations for 2022

    This year's last EUROSTUDENT Talks webinar gives us the chance to get a valuable insight into student life. In the discussion four members of student unions from different countries will share their thoughts and opinions about the major challenges that students are currently facing, but also what are their expectations for the year 2022. EUROSTUDENT is happy to welcome a very diverse and international group of speakers: Ángel Canal from Spain (CREUP), Damir Solak from Czech Republic (SK RV¦), Horia Onita from Romania (ANOSR), and Jacob Blasius from Denmark (DSF). Come and join us at a pre-Christmas webinar in Zoom! (no pre-registration required)

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  • 02 December 2021

    Academic Satisfaction of International Students at Irish Higher Education Institutions

    EUROSTUDENT data has important use for higher education policy makers at national and European level, and also informs and enables research into students' lives in Europe. But how are researchers using EUROSTUDENT data? Join this webinar where Mairéad Finn (Trinity College Dublin) and Georgiana Mihut (University of Warwick) talk about their academic article which sought to understand what explains higher levels of academic satisfaction among international students, including concepts of cultural distance and marketization. While their analyses was situated in the Republic of Ireland, it has implications for other European countries.

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  • October 28th, 2021, 11AM CET

    Internships: The Bridge from the World of Education to the World of Work

    For the first time in EUROSTUDENT, more detailed information has been collected regarding internships during studying in higher education. How common is following an internship in EUROSTUDENT countries? How well do internships prepare students for the labour market? Come and dive deeper into this topic at EUROSTUDENT Talks webinar taking place on the 28th of October with Froukje Wartenbergh-Cras!

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  • September 30th, 2021, 11AM CET

    Interactive National Profiles: How does the new tool aid purpos-driven use of EUROSTUDENT data?

    Kaur Saarepuu, a data visualization specialist who brings together UX design, programming and data analysis, introduces EUROSTUDENT Interactive National Profiles at the EUROSTUDENT Talks webinar.

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  • August 26th, 2021

    EUROSTUDENT Talks - The Social and Economic Conditions of Students in Europe - Report and Database

    The report “Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. EUROSTUDENT VII 2018-2021. Synopsis of Indicators “ and the new EUROSTUDENT database will be presented at a webinar next Thursday, 11 a.m. CEST – access the Zoom link by clicking on the picture below. You are invited to join this presentation, and are also very welcome to forward it – the link is open. The presentations will focus on the main results of the EUROSTUDENT report and introduce the features of the new database. Upcoming monthly webinars in the new “EUROSTUDENT Talks” format will highlight different outputs of the EUROSTUDENT VII project round – more information to come!

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  • 18 - 19 May 2021
    Hanover, Germany
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT VII-Final Conference

    The EUROSTUDENT consortium will present the results of the seventh round of EUROSTUDENT and release the new EUROSTUDENT comparative report 'Synopsis of Indicators' for discussion with an expert audience. The conference will mark the publication of the EUROSTUDENT VII final report and the EUROSTUDENT VII database and aims to:

    - showcase the EUROSTUDENT VII 'Synopsis of Indicators' and the EUROSTUDENT VII database, informing about the main results
    - encourage reflection on EUROSTUDENT VII comparative results from a national perspective, and vice versa
    - inspire discussions about practices in using EUROSTUDENT data and result

    Conference website

  • 30 March 2021
    Video conference
    Consortium internal

    Eurostudent consortium meeting

    Meeting of the consortial partners

  • 25 January 2021
    Video conference
    Consortium internal

    EUROSTUDENT consortium meeting

    Meeting of the consortium partners

  • 2020
  • 23 November 2020
    Video conference
    Consortium internal

    EUROSTUDENT consortium meeting

    Meeting of the consortium partners

  • 05 November 2020
    EUROSTUDENT open event

    EUROSTUDENT VII-First Results

    In November 2020, the ministers responsible for higher education will meet to discuss the future of the EHEA at the Ministerial Conference. The social dimension has gained importance during the last round, and is set to gain traction as countries develop their social dimension strategies for higher education. EUROSTUDENT data provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of students during their studies. Who are the students in Europe? How do they study, and what are the personal and financial circumstances in which they study? The full EUROSTUDENT report will be available in 2021. In order to provide first insights into the data, a short publication highlights key indicators on students in Europe based on data collected in 2019.

    Join our virtual launch event to get a sneak preview of EUROSTUDENT results - the newest comparative data on the social and economic condition of students in Europe!

  • 03 November 2020
    Virtual conference
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Steering Board Meeting

    EUROSTUDENT meeting with the steering board

  • 30 September 2020

    Opiskelijatutkimus 2019

    Presentation at the webinar by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture

  • 21 September 2020
    Consortium internal

    EUROSTUDENT consortium meeting

    Meeting of the consortium partners

  • 16 July 2020
    Consortium internal

    EUROSTUDENT consortium meeting

    Meeting of the consortium partners

  • moved to November, 2020
    Rome, Italy

    EHEA Ministerial conference

    The next EHEA Ministerial Conference will be held in Rome from 22 to 24 June 2020. It will be open to European Higher Education Area (EHEA) delegations and includes a Global Policy Forum that is an opportunity to pursue a dialogue between EHEA and non-EHEA countries.

    Conference website

  • 18 June 2020
    Consortium internal

    EUROSTUDENT consortium meeting

    Meeting of the consortium partners

  • 28 May 2020
    Consortium internal

    EUROSTUDENT consortium meeting

    Meeting of the consortium partners

  • This event is cancelled
    This event is canelled
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT VII Policy Makers' Conference

    This event will serve as a platform for the policy makers from all EUROSTUDENT countries to exchange best practices in policy development using EUROSTUDENT survey, discuss preliminary EUROSTUDENT VII results and initiate and foster collaboration opportunities.

    The aim of the conference is to demonstrate to policy makers the importance of the EUROSTUDENT data and to get their feedback to ensure that EUROSTUDENT is relevant for policy development beyond 2020. The conference will achieve this objective by providing a sneak preview of the data collected through EUROSTUDENT VII and showcasing how this data has been used to guide policy making to improve socio-economic situation of various students groups in different countries.

    This event is cancelled due to the Covid 19 pandemic

  • 22 April 2020
    Consortium internal

    EUROSTUDENT consortium meeting

    Meeting of the consortium partners

  • 31 March 2020
    Berlin, Germany
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT steering board meeting

    Meeting with the steering board

  • 17 - 19 February 2020
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT Researchers' Forum

    The Researchers' Forum brings together all involved national research teams to discuss methodological challenges and potential solutions, share first EUROSTUDENT VII results, and explore collaboration opportunities.

    EUROSTUDENT VII Researchers' Forum Agenda

  • 30 January 2020
    Consortium internal

    EUROSTUDENT consortium meeting

    Meeting of the consortium partners

  • 29 - 31 January 2020
    Bucharest, Romania

    The Future of Higher Education – Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference

    The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) will organise the fourth edition of the” Future of Higher Education – Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference” (FOHE-BPRC4), in Bucharest, Romania on 29 – 31 January 2020. The conference is part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) official calendar of events and conferences, promoting and sustaining the development of EHEA. It aims at providing a unique forum for dialogue between researchers, experts and policy makers in the field of higher education.

    Conference website

  • 2019
  • 05 - 06 November 2019
    Hanover, Germany
    Consortium internal

    EUROSTUDENT consortium meeting

    Meeting of the consortium partners

  • 23 - 25 October 2019
    Vienna, Austria
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT data delivery seminar

    Workshop on calculation and delivery of EUROSTUDENT indicators for national research teams.

  • 21 - 23 October 2019
    Vienna, Austria
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT data delivery seminar

    Workshop on calculation and delivery of EUROSTUDENT indicators for national research teams.

  • 02 - 04 October 2019
    Vienna, Austria
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT data delivery seminar

    Workshop on calculation and delivery of EUROSTUDENT indicators for national research teams.

  • 24 - 25 June 2019
    Bologna, Italy

    Bologna beyond 2020: Fundamental values of the EHEA

    Italy, host of the 2020 Ministerial Conference and presently seat of the Secretariat of the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG), wants this Celebration to have a proactive, future-oriented role, providing the platform for a large-scale mid-term academic consultation on the future of the Bologna Process and the EHEA. They hope to involve hundreds of international scholars, students and staff, to focus on the fundamental values of the EHEA, and to help elaborate a “Vision” for European higher education beyond 2020.

    Conference website

  • 14 - 15 May 2019
    Barcelona, Spain

    Presentació de resultats de l’informe Via Universitària (2017-2019)

    Presentation: Social and economic conditions of student life in Europe

  • 06 - 07 May 2019
    Tallinn, Estonia
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT policy workshop

    The policy workshop will provide a chance for the EUROSTUDENT policy coordinators and other relevant stakeholders to exchange about their experiences in drawing on EUROSTUDENT data for policy development. Information on the current project developments, as well as future aspects (micro data, future rounds of EUROSTUDENT) will also be provided and put to discussion.

    Draft agenda

  • 11 - 12 April 2019
    Brussels, Belgium

    Peer Learning Activity / Seminar - Inclusion in higher education

    Promoting life changing opportunities for persons from unter-represented groups

  • 04 - 05 April 2019
    Bucharest, Romania

    BFUG Meeting

    Sixty-fifth Bologna Follow-Up Group meeting in Bucharest

    Meeting website

  • 29 March 2019
    Brussels, Belgium

    BFUG AG on Social Dimension - Second meeting

    Second meeting of Advisory Group 1 on Social Dimension in Brussels, 29 March 2019. EUROSTUDENT participates as technical expert in this group.

    Meeting information

  • 27 March 2019
    Berlin, Germany
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Steering Board Meeting

    At this meeting of the International Steering Board, the topics are financial report 2018, information on project activities and quality action plan, Annual Report 2018.

  • 21 February 2019
    Hannover, Germany
    Consortium internal

    Zofar Meeting

    Discussion of the implementation of central online survey tool Zofar between DZHW and ResearchNed.

  • 19 February 2019
    Zagreb, Croatia

    BFUG AG 1 Social Dimension

    The overarching aim of Advisory Group 1 on Social Dimension is to develop proposed instruments and policies to fulfil the objective in the Paris Communiqué and to support national plans and strategies aimed at strengthening social dimension of higher education, as well as to improve access and completion by under-represented and vulnerable groups.

    Meeting information

  • 14 - 15 February 2019
    Consortium internal

    Consortium Meeting

    EUROSTUDENT VII overall coordination and management

  • 20 January - 25 February 2019
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Preparatory Seminars

    3 different preparatory seminars were held in January and February 2019 in order to prepare the field phases of the EUROSTUDENT survey in the different countries.

  • 2018
  • 19 - 20 December 2018
    Tirana, Albania
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Country kick-off

    Meeting with national policy and research coordinators and representatives from the ministry

  • 14 - 15 December 2018
    Ljublijana, Slovenia

    National conference on presentation of EUROSTUDENT VI results

    EUROSTUDENT national launch event in Slovenia.

  • 06 December 2018
    Prague, Czech Republic
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Country kick-off

    Meeting with national policy and research coordinators and representatives of the Czech Higher Education Insitutions.

  • 04 December 2018
    Hannover, Germany
    Consortium internal

    Zofar Meeting

    Implementation of central online survey tool Zofar

  • 06 November 2018
    Brussels, Belgium

    BFUG WG 1 - First meeting

    The Working Group 1 on Monitoring (fundamental values) was adopted by the BFUG meeting in Vienna in September 2018 with the purpose to prepare for 2020 a report assessing the main developments in the EHEA since the Bologna Process began, including to what extent we have fulfilled the mobility target agreed in Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve in 2009, to continue to provide reliable, comparable data and to take stock of progress towards realising the European Higher Education Area, to make further progress in improving structured and standardised monitoring of the EHEA and to ensure that accurate comparisons can be made between countries and that implementation and other changes are transparent within as well as between countries.

    More info on Working Group 1

  • 22 October 2018
    Brussels, Belgium

    European Social Action Network seminar

    Kristina Hauschildt presented EUROSTUDENT results on invitation by the European Social Action Network ESAN. Title of the presentation: Precariousness of students in Europe: what does EUROSTUDENT tell us?

  • 20 September 2018
    Vienna, Austria

    The New Student: Flexible Learning Paths and Future Learning Environments

    At the Higher Education expert conference organised by the Austrian presidency of the European Union, EUROSTUDENT results were presented on the following topic: Identifying the needs of an increasingly diverse student population

    Event website

  • 29 August 2018
    Dessau, Germany

    12th German-Polish Colloquium of the German Student services (DSW).

    The social and economic conditions of students in Europe. EUROSTUDENT VI results.

  • 26 June 2018
    Brussels, Belgium

    Education and Training 2020 Working Group on Higher Education

    presentation: The social dimension in higher education - what does EUROSTUDENT tell us?

  • 22 June 2018
    Barcelona, Spain

    International seminar of the student observatory of the University of Barcelona

    How are students' study choices related to their social-economic background?

  • 20 June 2018
    El Escorial, Spain

    Complutense University Madrid Summer Course

    Presentation of EUROSTUDENT data: Social and economic conditions of student life in Europe

  • 19 April 2018
    EUROSTUDENT open event


    We are happy to invite you to the first EUROSTUDENT webinar on April 19th at 10 am (CEST). In this webinar we are looking into the situation of higher education students who engage in paid work alongside their studies. Colleagues from MOSTA (EUROSTUDENT consortium) will present some of the main results of EUROSTUDENT VI on and provide answers to these and other important questions. The webinar will be 1 hour approximately.

  • 06 - 07 March 2018
    Berlin, Germany
    EUROSTUDENT open event

    EUROSTUDENT VI Final Conference

    The final conference will mark the release of the EUROSTUDENT VI final report. Project partners from ministries, national research teams, as well as external stakeholders will get together in Berlin on March 6th and 7th, 2018, to learn about and discuss the recent results.

    Final conference - programme

  • 2017
  • 12 - 13 July 2017
    Hannover, Germany
    Consortium internal

    Consortium meeting

    To assure the overall coordination and management of the EUROSTUDENT VI project, a Consortium meeting will be held in Hannover from 12 – 13 July.

  • 11 - 12 July 2017
    Hannover, Germany
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Working Group Meeting: Synopsis of Indicators

    In July, the members of the EUROSTUDENT Consortium will come together with external experts for a working group meeting on the reporting structure and content for the EUROSTUDENT VI Synopsis of Indicators report.

  • 06 April 2017
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Policy-makers conference April 6th, 2017

    In spring of 2017, the EUROSTUDENT policy-makers conference in Malta will bring together ministry representatives from the countries participating in EUROSTUDENT VI, as well as other interested policy-makers and international stakeholders

    Policy makers' conference - schedule

  • 01 - 02 February 2017
    Vilnius, Lithuania
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT Researchers’ Forum

    The aim of the EUROSTUDENT Researchers’ Forum is to provide inspiration on how to analyse and use the results of the EUROSTUDENT surveys, especially for in-depth analyses. The target group of the conference are mainly the researchers conducting the EUROSTUDENT survey at the national level. The event provides a chance to discuss and get inspirational insights about how EUROSTUDENT results could be used in various research projects and forms. Sharing experiences will provide ideas of how EUROSTUDENT results could be used to represent and analyse the socio-economic situation of various student groups in the European Higher Education Area.
    The conference will offer:
    • Up-to-date knowledge about the social dimension in other countries
    • Inspiration for in-depth analyses based on EUROSTUDENT data
    • a basis for cooperation of different research teams
    • ideas for comparative research
    • ideas for dissemination
    • problem-solving/advice by the EUROSTUDENT Consortium

    Researchers' Forum - Programme

  • 2016
  • 07 - 11 November 2016
    Vienna, Austria
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Workshop data preparation and delivery (internal event)

    The workshop on data preparation, cleaning and delivery will include a step-by-step walk-through all of the preliminary data preparation steps of the handbook and syntaxes individually with each team. There will be individual sessions on the adaptation of the raw data files to a national data file according to the EUROSTUDENT conventions (first part of the handbook and syntaxes), as well as the focus group and indicator calculations and the upload of the data and generating the national profiles.
    For questions, please contact

  • 10 - 14 October 2016
    Vienna, Austria
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Workshop data preparation and delivery (internal event)

    The workshop on data preparation, cleaning and delivery will include a step-by-step walk-through all of the preliminary data preparation steps of the handbook and syntaxes individually with each team. There will be individual sessions on the adaptation of the raw data files to a national data file according to the EUROSTUDENT conventions (first part of the handbook and syntaxes), as well as the focus group and indicator calculations and the upload of the data and generating the national profiles.
    For questions, please contact

  • 15 - 17 August 2016
    Vienna, Austria
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Early bird workshop data preparation and delivery (internal event)

    The workshop on data preparation, cleaning and delivery will include a step-by-step walk-through all of the preliminary data preparation steps of the handbook and syntaxes individually with each team. There will be individual sessions on the adaptation of the raw data files to a national data file according to the EUROSTUDENT conventions (first part of the handbook and syntaxes), as well as the focus group and indicator calculations and the upload of the data and generating the national profiles.
    For questions, please contact

  • 22 February - 09 March 2016
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Preparatory seminars EUROSTUDENT VI

    The next preparatory seminars for EUROSTUDENT VI will take place in Malta from 22 – 24 February and 7 – 9 March. The aim of the seminars is to discuss and share information and experience on all important aspects of executing national surveys in EUROSTUDENT VI.

  • 2015
  • 25 - 27 February 2015
    EUROSTUDENT open event

    Final Conference - EUROSTUDENT V

    The final conference of EUROSTUDENT V will take place 25-27 February 2015 in Austria at the Business University (WU). The EUROSTUDENT consortium will present the results of the fifth round of EUROSTUDENT in connection with the release of the new EUROSTUDENT comparative report ”Synopsis of Indicators” for discussion with an expert audience. We expect both researchers and policy-makers from over 25 countries which took part in EUROSTUDENT V to attend. Stakeholders and experts concerned with the social dimension of European higher education from national and international organisations are also most welcome.

    Final conference programme

  • 2014
  • 06 - 07 October 2014
    Consortium internal

    EUROSTUDENT Consortium Meeting

    To assure the overall coordination and management of the EUROSTUDENT V project, a consortium meeting will be held in Tallinn from 06 - 07 October 2014.

  • 12 - 14 August 2014
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT Intensive Seminar Data Delivery

    EUROSTUDENT Intensive Seminar Data Delivery

  • 14 - 16 May 2014
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT Working group Exploitation and Consortium

    EUROSTUDENT Working group Exploitation and Consortium

  • 11 April 2014
    Berlin, Germany
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Meeting of the Steering Board

    Meeting of the Steering Board

  • 11 - 13 March 2014
    Lisbon, Portugal
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT Consortium & Working Group

    EUROSTUDENT Consortium & Working Group Meeting in March 2014

  • 2013
  • 28 - 30 November 2013
    Belgrade, Serbia
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT V: Final Preparatory Seminar and Meeting of the Consortium

    In order to assure the effective communication of the project conventions and to provide first-hand support to national teams on data collection, the EUROSTUDENT V consortium is organizing the Final Preparatory seminar in Belgrade. The aim of the seminar is to discuss and share information and experience about all important aspects of executing the data collection in the EUROSTUDENT V project.

  • 25 - 27 September 2013
    Vienna, Austria
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT V - Intensive seminar on data delivery

    The workshop on data delivery is designed to support national teams working with SPSS in preparing Eurostudent data for delivery. It is open to countries that have completed their field phase and are now in the phase of data processing. It will take place at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna (Austria) and will be provided by the staff from IHS and ResearchNed.

    Workshop on data delivery progam

  • 20 June 2013
    Vienna, Austria
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Steering Board Meeting

    Mandate of the Steering Board, Financial Rules EUROSTUDENT VII

  • 20 June 2013
    Video conference
    Consortium internal

    Consortium Video Conference

    EUROSTUDENT VII management, questionnaire & field phase, communication & dissemination, policy workshop, quality assurance

  • 2012
  • 20 June 2012
    London, United Kingdom

    Inequalities in social and economic conditions of student life in Europe. Findings from EUROSTUDENT.

    Presentation at UCL Centre for Global Education Seminar 86

  • 24 - 25 May 2012
    Berlin, Germany
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT V - Kick-off workshop

    Who is the student of the 21st century?
    The consortium of the EUROSTUDENT project is pleased to invite you to the initial workshop on the commencement of the fifth round of the project. The main purpose of the workshop is to present the concept for the next round and clarify the work programme and project schedule.

    Kick-off programme

  • 2011
  • 19 October 2011
    Brussels, Belgium

    Dissemination Event in the Dutch Permanent Representation in Brussels

    At this dissemination and networking event, key topics of the Eurostudent survey will be presented and put up for discussion. Additionally the Eurostudent IV final report will shown

  • 11 - 13 July 2011
    Berlin, Germany

    The Social Dimension – Stocktaking and Future Perspectives of Student Affairs in the European Higher Education Area

    DSW is organizing a major international conference on the social dimension in higher education, as a joint project with the European Council for Student Affairs and the Federal Ministry for Education and Research.
    Call for progams:

    Application Form

    Conference Flyer

  • 15 - 16 June 2011
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    EUROSTUDENT open event

    Final conference of EUROSTUDENT IV
    Closing the gap - New data on the social dimension of higher education in Europe

    Save the date! The final conference of EUROSTUDENT IV will take place on 15 and 16 June 2011 on the campus of the IT-University Copenhagen, Denmark, in conjunction with the Danish University and Property Agency and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
    The EUROSTUDENT consortium will present the results of the fourth round of EUROSTUDENT in connection with the release of the new EUROSTUDENT comparative report ”Synopsis of Indicators” for discussion with an expert audience.
    We expect both researchers and policy-makers from the 25 countries which took part in EUROSTUDENT IV to attend.
    Stakeholders and experts concerned with the social dimension of European higher education from national and international organisations are also most welcome.
    Whilst the first day will be focussed on the project results themselves, the second day will be opened to a wider audience in Copenhagen and will involve an international press conference.

    Programme draft (latest update: 25.03.2011)

  • 2010
  • 30 November - 01 December 2010
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Workshop on data interpretation and context information

    Between November 30th and December 1st we are organising a workshop on “Data Interpretation and Context Information” in Ankara, Turkey, in conjunction with the Turkish Council of Higher Education and METU University. The main aim of the workshop is to discuss national findings from EUROSTUDENT partners and their use for the international comparison. It is an obligatory workshop for all countries participating in EUROSTUDENT, as it is the last time we shall meet before the final conference in June 2011.

    Information Package

    Link to Wiki

  • 23 September 2010
    Berlin, Germany
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Steering Board Meeting II

    At this second meeting of the International Steering Board, the topics are project progress, preparation for data reporting and dissemination and plans for EUROSTUDENT V.


    Link to conference

  • 06 - 08 September 2010
    Valletta, Malta
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Intensive Seminar on data analysis and interpretation

    Between 6 and 8 September 2010 the Intensive Seminar 'Analysis and Reporting' was held in Valletta, Malta, in conjunction with the Maltese National Commission for Higher Education. The main purpose of the Intensive Seminar ‘Analysis and Reporting’ is to sensitise both the national data providers and the central coordination team to the potential pitfalls of analysing and comparing national survey data within the EUROSTUDENT framework.


    Link to conference

  • Meeting canceled, not yet re-scheduled
    Consortium internal

    2. Virtual meeting of E:IV Consortium (V2)

    Meeting canceled, not yet re-scheduled

    more details

  • 09 August 2010
    Consortium internal

    5th meeting, August 2010, (virtual) Consortium_V1

    1. Virtual meeting of E:IV Consortium (V1)

    more details

  • 23 - 24 March 2010
    Prague, Czech Republic
    EUROSTUDENT network

    EUROSTUDENT Workshop on Data Conventions and Quality Control

    This workshop will discuss the status of work in the partner countries and the central data conventions and measures for quality control. Our aim is to share knowledge and experiences between partners. We will also be presenting the Data Delivery Module (to see presentation from The Hague see here) and accompanying Technical Handbook for data calculation and delivery. This workshop is an essential part of the cooperation process between the EUROSTUDENT coordinators and the project executors in each country.


    Link to conference

  • 22 March 2010
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Consortium internal

    4th meeting of the Consortium on 22 March 2010 in Prague

    4th meeting of the Consortium on 22 March 2010 in Prague


  • 09 - 10 February 2010
    Tallinn, Estonia
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Meeting working group on indicators II

    Meeting working group on indicators

    Link to conference

  • 2009
  • 17 - 18 December 2009
    Vienna, Austria
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Kick-off meeting Common Survey hosting (CSH)

    The meeting informed about the basic and optional deliverables of the service provider, the workflow and time schedule.

  • 11 November 2009
    Hannover, Germany
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Meeting working group on indicators I

    Meeting working group on indicators


    Link to conference

  • 16 - 18 September 2009
    Berlin, Germany
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Intensive Seminar Online Surveys for EUROSTUDENT IV

    Following the success of our first Intensive Seminar in December 2008 on the core questions for the EUROSTUDENT survey ReviewQ, we offered a second Intensive Seminar, this time on executing national online surveys. On the final day, individual rapporteurs will summarise the issues raised during the seminar relevant to their topic area. These summaries will be the basis for the Handbook


  • 15 September 2009
    Berlin, Germany
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Steering Board Meeting I

    The Steering Board has the function of assisting the EUROSTUDENT Consortium in the development of a reliable, contextually sensitive and policy relevant comparative study of the social dimension in European higher education.

    Link to conference

  • 14 September 2009
    Berlin, Germany
    Consortium internal

    3rd meeting of the Consortium on 14 September 2009 in Berlin

    3rd meeting of the Consortium on 14 September 2009 in Berlin

    Link to conference

  • 16 - 17 February 2009
    The Hague, The Netherlands
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Kick-off workshop EUROSTUDENT IV

    In order to clarify the participating countries and finalise the concept for the next round, an open workshop will be held in The Hague. Therefore the EUROSTUDENT coordinators would like to welcome national representatives of the European Higher Education Area to this workshop on data issues concerning individual socio-economic aspects of student life in European higher education. The workshop will focus on data necessary for a contribution to EUROSTUDENT IV, on issues of data availability and sources of data.


  • 16 February 2009
    The Hague, The Netherlands
    Consortium internal

    2nd meeting of the Consortium on 16-Feb-2009, The Hague

    2nd meeting of the Consortium on 16-Feb-2009, The Hague

    Link to conference

  • 2008
  • 11 - 12 December 2008
    Vienna, Austria
    EUROSTUDENT network

    Workshop on Development project conventions and definitions

    Workshop on Development of project conventions and definitions was held in Vienna. The main purpose of that meeting was to improve the existing set core of questions, used by the countries in the third round of EUROSTUDENT, in the light of the commencement of the next, fourth phase of the project.


  • 30 October 2008
    Hannover, Germany
    Consortium internal

    1st meeting of the Consortium on 30 October 2008 in Hannover

    1st meeting of the Consortium on 30 October 2008 in Hannover


    Link to conference

  • 26 September 2008
    Berlin, Germany
    EUROSTUDENT open event

    Final conference of EUROSTUDENT III

    The occasion for this workshop was the release of the EUROSTUDENT final report
