

What's happening in and around EUROSTUDENT? To stay up-to-date with current developments, check back on this page. Sometimes, we will also delve deeper into a specific topic of interest. Is there something specific you would like to see? Please contact .

Hanover, Germany, 22 May 2024

EUROSTUDENT 8 Topical Module Reports

The EUROSTUDENT 8 Topical Module Reports have been released! Based on the latest data, the reports on a) digitalisation, b) discrimination, c) impact of COVID-19 pandemic, and d) well-being and mental health are available.

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To the reports
Hanover, Germany, 27 - 28 September 2023

EUROSTUDENT policy-makers’ conference

A EUROSTUDENT conference ‘EUROSTUDENT on-topic’ is scheduled to be held for policy coordinators on 27/28 September 2023 in Hanover, Germany.

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Hanover, Germany, 12 April 2023


An updated third version of the EUROSTUDENT VII micro data set is now available. 17 countries have contributed to the data set, which now covers data from more than 200,000 students from all over Europe.

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Hannover, Germany, 30 January 2023

EUROSTUDENT 8 Researchers' Forum

A Researchers' Forum will be held in Malta from 18-20 April 2023. The event focuses, inter alia, on students' mental health & well-being, digitalisation of teaching, learning and student life, effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, and discrimination experiences. Please see our Call for contributions.

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Further information
Hanover, Germany, 18 January 2023


An updated second version of the EUROSTUDENT VII micro data set is now available. It contains data from 16 countries, now also including Norway, Romania, and Sweden. The data set covers data from 169,788 students from the European Higher Education Area.

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Tallinn, Estonia, 05 October 2022

EUROSTUDENT 8 field phase – lessons and challenges from Estonia

Decreasing response rate is a challenge that researchers are facing today when gathering survey data. Sandra Haugas from the Estonian EUROSTUDENT research team is sharing some insights how Estonia dealt with the challenge and what strategy was used to encourage students to participate.

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København, Denmark, 24 January 2022

Students’ learning and wellbeing: a Nordic perspective

Author: Amanda Weber Based on the data from the EUROSTUDENT VII, the following is a brief summary of the study on students’ learning and well-being in Denmark. It provides international comparison of the Nordic countries.

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Full version of the report “Student learning and well-being: a Nordic perspective” can be found here (in Danish)
Hannover, Germany, 01 December 2021
Prague, 12 October 2021
Online, 06 September 2021

Flexible pathways into and within higher education: importance, practices, students’ experience

An overview of the workshop “Flexible pathways into and within higher education: importance, practices, students’ experience” and its key points.

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Tallinn, Estonia, 27 August 2021

Estonian students have been hit by a mental health crisis

Members of the Estonian EUROSTUDENT team, Sandra Haugas and Kaupo Koppel, have published an article with a focus on students’ mental health in one of the biggest Estonian daily newspapers Eesti Päevaleht based on EUROSTUDENT VII results and. Following is the translation of their article.

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Estonia, 09 August 2021

EUROSTUDENT VII results in Estonia

What can we learn from EUROSTUDENT results for Estonia? The Estonian EUROSTUDENT team answered a few questions about the latest survey results. Which findings are particularly surprising? Which policy conclusions should be drawn from them?

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Hanover, Germany, 13 July 2021

How to access EUROSTUDENT micro data on the social dimension of higher education from over 130,000 students?

EUROSTUDENT VII student-level micro data is now available free of charge as a scientific use file, providing EUROSTUDENT comparable data on the social dimension of European higher education. The project covers a wide range of topics related to students’ social and economic conditions.

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EUROSTUDENT VII Scientific Use File
Vienna, Austria, 09 April 2021
Finland, 01 February 2021
Finland, 13 January 2021

EUROSTUDENT VII results underline the need to work on accesssibility of higher education in Finland

Interview with Juhani Saari (Statistics Finland) and Kaisu Piiroinen (Ministry of Education and Culture)

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Lithuania, 11 December 2020

Increased representation of students with lower educational background in Lithuania, but worrying trends in students‘ financial situation

Interview with Vaida ¦aukeckienė and ´emyna Pauliukaitė from STRATA in Lithuania on EUROSTUDENT VII national results

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Webinar, 05 November 2020


Join our virtual launch event to get a sneak preview of EUROSTUDENT results - the newest comparative data on the social and economic condition of students in Europe!

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Conference website
News, 05 November 2020

New EUROSTUDENT publication!

First publication drawing on “fresh” EUROSTUDENT VII data has been published

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Vienna, Austria, 03 November 2020

The analysis of EUROSTUDENT Focus Groups is crucial for illuminating the problems concealed by average indicators

Interview with Martin Unger from The Institute of Advanced Studies on Austrian EUROSTUDENT VII results

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The Netherlands, 02 July 2020
Norway, 08 May 2020
Vilnius, Lithuania, 04 May 2020

Data collection is central to the improvement of the social dimension

The social dimension has been mentioned and endorsed in each Bologna Ministerial Communiqué since its first introduction in 2007. Nevertheless, inequity still persists in many European higher education systems.

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Malta, 16 March 2020

Policy conference postponed

The planned policy workshop in Malta on May 14 will not take place as planned.

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Vilnius, Lithuania, 17 - 19 February 2020

Researchers’ Forum 2020 makes EUROSTUDENT matter

National EUROSTUDENT research teams gather in Vilnius to discuss preliminary results of EUROSTUDENT VII national surveys, explore national policy implications and foster collaboration opportunities. Follow on Twitter to get the latest insights from the conference! @EUROSTUDENTtwt #ERF2020

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Forum agenda
Hanover, Germany, 05 - 06 November 2019

EUROSTUDENT consortium meets in Hanover

From November 5-6, the seven partner organisation of the EUROSTUDENT consortium will meet at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) in Hanover.

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Vienna, Austria, 21 - 25 October 2019

A week of data delivery with national teams

From October 21st-25th, national researcher teams which collected their data in the spring are meeting with consortium partners from the Institute from Advanced Studies (IHS) and ResearchNed for a few days of intensive, hands-on data cleaning and weighting.

Vienna, Austria, 02 - 04 October 2019

First data delivery seminar for national teams

From October 2nd-4th, national researchers from Finland, Iceland, and Norway travelled to Vienna to meet with the consortium partners from the Institute from Advanced Studies (IHS) and ResearchNed for a few days of intensive data cleaning and weighting.

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Brussels, Belgium, 09 July 2019

BFUG Working Group Monitoring in Brussels

The BFUG Working Group on Monitoring met in Brussels to discuss the structure and main topics of the Bologna Implementation Report 2020.

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More on the Working Group
Vienna, Austria, 05 June 2019

EUROSTUDENT at third meeting of Advisory Group on Social Dimension

The overarching aim of the BFUG Advisory Group 1 on the Social Dimension is to develop proposed instruments and policies to support national plans and strategies aimed at strengthening the social dimension of higher education.

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More info on the Advisory Group
Barcelona, Spain, 15 May 2019

EUROSTUDENT data presented at Via Universitària conference

On May 15th, the project coordinator Kristina Hauschildt followed an invitation to Barcelona. In the Aula Magna of the University of Barcelona, the Xarxa Vives Network presented the results of the Via Universitària survey.

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Via Universitària publication
Tallinn, Estonia, 06 - 07 May 2019

EUROSTUDENT policy workshop in Tallinn

EUROSTUDENT national policy coordinators meet in Tallinn to exchange about their experiences of using EUROSTUDENT data in policy making at the national level. Lot of discussions and feedback are planned - in this way, EUROSTUDENT strives to increase its relevance for the participating ministries.

Meeting agenda
Berlin, Germany, 27 March 2019

EUROSTUDENT Steering Board meets in Berlin

On March 27th, the EUROSTUDENT Steering Board met in the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to discuss the project progress, financial and annual reports, and the future of EUROSTUDENT after 2021.

Helsinki, Finland, 25 March 2019

Finland kicks off EUROSTUDENT VII field phase

The national research team from Statistics Finland are the first to launch the EUROSTUDENT VII field phase. The Finnish EUROSTUDENT has been taking place since the "Opiskelijatutkimus 2000", the Student Study 2000.

Read more about EUROSTUDENT Finland (in Finnish)
St. Paul's Bay, Malta, 14 - 15 February 2019

EUROSTUDENT consortium meets in Malta

The EUROSTUDENT consortium met in Malta on February 14-15. With the preparation of the national surveys well underway, consortium members discussed indicators and data delivery. A main point on the agenda was also the upcoming policy workshop in Tallinn. Minutes are available in the internal wiki.

Hannover, Germany, 14 February 2019

Three field phase preparatory seminars successfully concluded

All national research teams with a field phase planned in 2019 have taken part in preparatory seminars to discuss the national implementation of the EUROSTUDENT survey with the consortium field experts from IHS and ResearchNed, as well as among each other. Wishing everyone a successful field phase!

Hannover, Germany, 27 January 2019

New Intelligence Brief: Income inequality among students in European higher education

The latest EUROSTUDENT Intelligence Brief, authored by Christoph Gwosć from the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), examines the distribution of students' income between and within countries. What is the extent of inequality among students?

Hanover, Germany, 07 January 2019

EUROSTUDENT VII core questionnaire ready

The consortium has finished its work on the field phase handbook, including the EUROSTUDENT VII core questionnaire. National teams can access the document in the project wiki pages and start the adaptation and translation process to the national context.

Hannover, Germany, 31 December 2018 - 01 January 2019

Best wishes for the new year from EUROSTUDENT!

Dear EUROSTUDENT friends and family, we wish you a great start into the new year! 2019 is going to be an important year for us as students all over Europe are going to take part in the 7th round of our survey. We are surely excited for what 2019 has to bring, we hope you are too!

Hanover, Germany, 11 December 2018

Studying as parents - new EUROSTUDENT Intelligence Brief

According to EUROSTUDENT VI every 10th student in Europe is a parent. The latest Intelligence Brief, written by Sandra Haugas from the EUROSTUDENT consortium partner organisation Praxis in Estonia, takes a closer look at this group of students. How to reconcile studies and parenting?
EUROSTUDENT, 18 June 2018

Official start of EUROSTUDENT VII

Following the successful Kick-Off Meeting in Vienna, we are happy to announce that the next round of the EUROSTUDENT project, EUROSTUDENT VII, as of June 18, 2018 has officially begun. We are happy to be able to continue this international cooperation for the bettering of higher education in Europe.
Berlin, Germany, 06 - 07 March 2018

Save the date! EUROSTUDENT VI Final Conference

The final conference will mark the release of the EUROSTUDENT VI final report. Project partners from ministries, national research teams, as well as external stakeholders will get together in Berlin on March 6th and 7th, 2018, to learn about and discuss the recent results.

Hannover, Germany, 06 March 2018

EUROSTUDENT VI Report is now available

We are happy to announce the successful close of the sixth round of the EUROSTUDENT project. The latest edition of the EUROSTUDENT report (2016-2018), the synopsis of indicators, with new downloadable figures and tables, is now available.
Hannover, Germany, 06 March 2018

EUROSTUDENT VI database is now available

Based on the results of the EUROSTUDENT VI project, a publicly accessible database is now available to be used! All data collected during the sixth round of the EUROSTUDENT project can be found in the database.
Hannover, Germany, 06 March 2018

EUROSTUDENT VI results: 7 % of all students report having interrupted their studies for at least a year

EUROSTUDENT VI results: 7 % of all students report having interrupted their studies for at least a year

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More detailed EUROSTUDENT VI results and analyses can be found in:

Berlin, Germany, 17 November 2017 - 31 January 2018

Registration open for EUROSTUDENT final conference

Register now for the EUROSTUDENT VI Final Conference taking place in Berlin, Germany from 6 - 7 March 2018
Berlin, Germany, 01 - 15 November 2017

Call for contributions - deadline extended until Nov 15th

Missed the original deadline? Good news - submissions will still be accepted until November 15th!

Berlin, Germany, 24 August - 31 October 2017

Call for Contributions out now

The call for contributions for the EUROSTUDENT VI Final Conference is now open. We invite researchers, ministry representatives, and other stakeholders to submit contributions focusing on the social and economic conditions of higher education students’ life, as well as student mobility.
Rabat, Malta, 06 April 2017

EUROSTUDENT Policy-makers Conference

The conference aimed to provide a first “sneak preview” of the fresh EUROSTUDENT data. Participants were invited to provide feedback and discuss the policy relevance of different topics and questions related to the socio-economic situation of students in the EHEA.

Vilnius, Lithuania, 01 - 02 February 2017

EUROSTUDENT Researchers´ Forum

From 1 - 2 February, 79 participants attended the EUROSTUDENT Researchers’ Forum in Vilnius. The Forum provided a chance for exchange and discussion among the national research team with input from external speakers and experts.

Hannover, Germany, 16 December 2016

A brief on delayed entry into higher education

The newest intelligence brief focuses on the phenomenon of delayed entry into higher education. Based on EUROSTUDENT V data, this IB provides comparative data for these patterns, and also provides insight into the possible reasons and consequences of a delayed entry into higher education.
Hannover, Germany, 25 November 2016

A brief on international student mobility in NIS countries

The new intelligence brief analyses international student mobility in Armenia, Georgia, Russia, and Ukraine. The main focus of the IB is to describe and compare plans and realisations of temporary enrolments abroad, as well as examining major channels and obstacles for international mobility.
Hannover, Germany, 15 September 2016


The new EUROSTUDENT blog will share news, updates, insights into the data, and other relevant information about the EUROSTUDENT project. It also provides important updates on the social dimension of higher education and students’ socio-economic situation in Europe.
Hannover, Germany, 26 May 2016

A brief on income and purchasing power of students in Europe

The latest EUROSTUDENT Intelligence Brief investigates students’ income. By applying a variant of the 'Big Mac Index' to control for purchasing power, differences in students’ average monthly incomes are reduced to some extent. How many burgers could students in your country afford?
Sweden, 15 February 2016

A brief on the students’ time budget from the Swedish Higher Education Authority

The survey shows that, assuming a normal study time of 37,5 to 45 hours per week, most of the full-time students spend full-time on study related activities, i.e. personal study time. The students’ responses reinforce the picture that higher education often consists of personal study time.

Sweden, 14 January 2016

Two briefs on the situation of students in Sweden; the economic situation for students and student mobility

The briefs are selected results for Sweden and cover the students economic situation and student mobility. The surveys show for example that 20 percent of the Swedish students have been abroad on studies or study related activities and around half of the students gained full recognition of credits.
Serbia, 14 January 2016

Towards Sustainable and Equitable Financing of Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia – FINHED

This monograph includes four papers on the social dimension of higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia supported with data gained through EUROSTUDENT (in English).
Hannover, Germany, 01 January 2016


January 1st marked the start of the sixth round of EUROSTUDENT. The overarching goal of EUROSTUDENT VI remains to provide a broad policy-relevant cross-country comparison of data on the social dimension of European higher education. The results will be published in spring 2018.

Italy, 11 September 2015

Report of the Italian 7th Eurostudent survey released

Based on the data collected for Eurostudent V, the Report also includes comparative analyses with the previous national surveys, and additional data & analyses focussed on national issues. A separate Executive Summary in English is available.
Sweden, 18 August 2015

Two briefs of the situation of students in Sweden; the housing situation and the situation for students with impairments

The briefs are selected results for Sweden and cover the students housing situation and the situation for students with impairments. The surveys show for example that Swedish students are satisfied with their housing situation, whether in a student accommodation or not.
Hanover, Germany, 24 June 2015


On the EUROSTUDENT-YouTube channel you can watch videos with impressions from the final conference as well as 10 short videos covering topics from the EUROSTUDENT V synopsis of indicators.
Hanover, Germany, 21 May 2015

Release of the new version of the Data Reporting Module (DRM)

A completely new EUROSTUDENT V Database (Data Reporting Module) has been launched. The new version of the DRM generates figures and tables for the selected configurations and allows for downloading data as excel file for further use and calculations.
Barcelona, Spain, 11 March 2015

Presentation of EUROSTUDENT results at the International Perspective on Education Seminar

On invitation by the Fundació Jaume Bofill in Barcelona, fresh EUROSTUDENT results were presented to experts and the public to provide context for the discussion of study conditions and the social dimension in Catalonia. Presentations, pictures and tweets available in this Storify (in Catalan):
Business University, Vienna, Austria, 25 - 27 February 2015

Final conference EUROSTUDENT V 25-27 Feb 2015 - Call for papers

The final conference will present the new data set from nearly 30 European countries. The conference will be co-hosted by the project Peer Learning for the Social Dimension.
Vienna, Austria, 25 - 27 February 2015

Final EUROSTUDENT Conference to launch the new comparative report

Surveys from 29 European countries and a sum of 210 thousand students have been brought together to provide a comparative perspective on student life in Europe. Join us 25-27 Feb. to find out more.
Vienna, Austria, 25 - 27 February 2015

E:V results at the SD in HE conference and EUROSTUDENT VI pre-kick-off

E:V results were presented at the SD in HE conference to around 250 participants. The conference ended with a EUROSTUDENT VI pre-kick-off bringing together representatives from interested countries looking forward to EUROSTUDENT VI.
Vienna, Austria, 25 - 27 February 2015

EUROSTUDENT & PL4SD Conference – Key findings and presentation files available online

The EUROSTUDENT & PL4SD conference reporting is now available on the PL4SD website – including all presentation files and key findings of the conference contributions.
Hannover, Germany, 13 February 2015

EUROSTUDENT VI (2015-2018) in planning

20 years of EUROSTUDENT already. Now planning for the sixth round of EUROSTUDENT has begun. More than 25 European countries have already expressed formal intent to participate.
Tallinn, Estonia, 15 January 2015

EUROSTUDENT teaser campaign

There are major differences between student populations in Europe - follow the campaign and guess which countries the data highlight.
IHS, Vienna, Austria, 04 June 2014

Study on underrepresentation in student credit mobility and imbalances in degree mobility

This study uses a combination of EUROSTUDENT and UOE-Data to investigate imbalances in mobility participation across the European Higher Education Area - report: and data & charts:
Hannover, Germany, 03 June 2014

Release of the EUROSTUDENT V Annual Report 2013

The EUROSTUDENT V Annual Report 2013 is now available on our website. Please click on the link below to open the file.
Hanover, Germany, 22 January 2014

Release of the latest Newletter

The latest EUROSTUDENT V Newsletter 2014 is now available on our website. Follow the link below to get to it.
ES-NIS, 18 October 2013

EUROSTUDENT-NIS: The Kharkov Communique

The ES-NIS initiative group has now established a Regional Coordination Committee that has been authorized to steer and methodologically consult the implementation of a series of EUROSTUDENT surveys in Spring 2014 in Armenia, Belarus and Ukraine.
Hanover, Germany, 28 August 2013

Release of the latest Intelligence Brief: To what extent are students burdened by the cost of housing?

In many countries, students who live away from their parents’ home dedicate the largest part of their expenses to housing. This Intelligence Brief provides insights using EUROSTUDENT data.
Hanover, Germany, 02 April 2013

Release of EUROSTUDENT Annual Report 2012

The first EUROSTUDENT V Annual Report is now available on our website. Follow the link below to get to it or browse through our 'comparative and national reports' to also find all other EUROSTUDENT publications
Belgrade, Serbia, 14 December 2012

EV in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia

EUROSTUDENT V will be a central element of evidence for policy development in the Tempus project on sustainable funding in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia. The fifth round of EUROSTUDENT now covers 27 countries.
Moscow , Russia, 18 October 2012


Following the invitation of the Moscow Higher School of Economics EUROSTUDENT delegates will represent the projects’ impact on their countries at the III International Conference of the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers and discuss NIS inclusion plans.
Yerevan, Armenia, 18 October 2012

Presentation at summit meeting of Ministers of Education of CIS States

Following the invitation of Armenian representatives EUROSTUDENT V project leader Dominic Orr will give a presentation about the project at the above mentioned Summit meeting of the Ministers of Education of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Vienna, Austria, 15 - 17 October 2012

Workshop: Questionnaire and regional conferences

This workshop is aimed at discussing last details of the new EUROSTUDENT core set of questions and the preparations of the three upcoming regional conferences organized by ResearchNed and PRAXIS.

Yerevan, Armenia, 06 - 07 September 2012

Consultative Workshop for the organization of EUROSTUDENT survey in NIS countries

First meeting of special regional cluster to assist the smooth entry of non-EU countries into the EUROSTUDENT network. Workshop will be opened by Dr. Armen Ashotyan, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia.

Hannover, Germany, 20 July 2012

Steeplechase – Plans for and obstacles to temporary enrolment abroad in an international comparison

New data analyses on mobility barriers released using the EUROSTUDENT IV data set from 5 countries - Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands and Poland.
Hanover, Germany, 29 June 2012

EUROSTUDENT V covers 24 countries

The coordinating team is pleased to inform you that 24 countries will officially take part in the fifth round of the EUROSTUDENT project. Follow the link below to see a map of the participants.
Hanover, Germany, 29 June 2012

Release of Kick-off materials

The conference website is now updated. You can find all the workshop materials and a selection of the best conference pictures. Follow the link below to get to the website

Berlin, Germany, 24 - 25 May 2012

EUROSTUDENT V Kick-off workshop 24-25 May 2012 online registration starts now!

Dear colleagues,
please follow the link below to get to the registration form.
We look forward to seeing you in Berlin!
Bucharest, Romania, 26 April 2012

New report from Eurydice, Eurostat, EUROSTUDENT on the Bologna Process

Joint study on the implementation of the Bologna Process in the European Higher Education Area. According to Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education: This report delivers clear messages on the challenges ahead.
Hannover, Germany, 12 February 2012

EUROSTUDENT V will cover at least 23 European countries

The coordinating team has now received 23 Letters of Intent & 6 expressions of interest from European ministries responsible for higher education expressing their intent to take part in EUROSTUDENT V, starting in April 2012. A kick-off workshop is planned for late May 2012 in Berlin.
Hannover, 30 January 2012

Manager's Report EUROSTUDENT IV (2008-2011)

The project managers have released a review of work accomplished within the fraemwork of EUROSTUDENT IV (2008-2011). This gives an insight into project approach, events and outputs and the relevant of the project for national and European stakeholders.
Madrid, 18 January 2012

¿Universidad sin clases? Condiciones de vida de los estudiantes universitarios en España (Eurostudent IV)

New report on the national and comparative results for Spain using the EUROSTUDENT IV dataset. The minister, Ángel Gabilondo Pujol,concludes that there can be no true excellence that does not enable participative equity.
Tallinn, Estonia, 14 December 2011


The Estonian team of researchers at Praxis have just released their new report. This report looks at the national results of the EUROSTUDENT survey from a national and an international perspective and evaluates their importance for future policy-development in Estonia.
Berlin, Germany, 14 December 2011

Soziale und wirtschaftliche Bedingungen des Studiums. Deutschland im europäischen Vergleich

The German team juxtaposes national results with international comparative results. This puts national results in a comparative context and provides insights on Germany’s current position in comparison with other countries, providing some pointers for the future of German higher education.
Paris, France, 05 December 2011

EUROSTUDENT IV - Une comparaison européenne des conditions de vie des étudiants

The French EUROSTUDENT partner (Observatoire national de la vie étudiante) has published its 26th newsletter, which summarizes the results of EUROSTUDENT IV from a French perspective.
Washington, USA, 07 - 12 November 2011

EU Delegation visits Washington

Dominic Orr was recently invited to the US as part of a European delegation of experts. For Dr. Martha Kanter, Under Secretary at the US Department of Education increasing access, improving quality and accelerating completion are major challenges for the future of US and EU higher education systems.
Brussels, Belgium, 25 October 2011

Dissemination Event in the Dutch Permanent Representation in Brussels

Around 70 experts in European higher education attended this event, where key topics of the Eurostudent survey were presented and put up for discussion. Additionally the Eurostudent IV final report 'Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. 2008-2011' was officially introduced.
Brussels/Hannover, 19 October 2011

Release of final report and EUROSTUDENT database

19 October the EUROSTUDENT international consortium will release the final report Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. 2008-2011 and the EUROSTUDENT database will be released with detailed country data shown as graphics and charts and available for download as Excel files.

Brussels, Belgium, 19 October 2011

Release of EUROSTUDENT IV Synopsis as book publication

Today is the day! The EUROSTUDENT IV final report "Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe" will be released at a dissemination and networking event at the Dutch Embassy in Brussels. You can download the PDF version of the report through the link below. Enjoy reading!
Hannover, Germany, 13 October 2011


Check out the brand new EUROSTUDENT IV Flyer, which has been designed to inform people not yet acquainted with the work of the EUROSTUDENT Network.
Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 29 September 2011

Release of Swiss report on student mobility: Mobilität der Studierenden 2009 Absichten, Erfahrungen und Hindernisse

Subsequent to their national report, the Swiss Federal Statistics Office released a report on student mobility and its parameters in Switzerland, using data of their national report,the Swiss Graduate Survey and Eurostudent IV data.
Oslo, Norway, 27 September 2011

Studiesituasjon og studentøkonomi

Norwegian national report released, including English summary. It shows, e.g. that a full-time student spends 34 hours a week on average on studies, and 8 hours on work, while part-time students work 27 hours a week and only spend 18 hours a week on studies.
Copenhagen, Denmark, 15 July 2011

Release of Danish associated report:
Danish higher education in the light of EUROSTUDENT IV data

Following up the EUROSTUDENT IV Final Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark has now released an associated report discussing a selection of indicators on Danish higher education in international comparison. IV - Selected Results for Denmark.pdf
Copenhagen, 15 June 2011

EUROSTUDENT IV Synopsis of Indicators released

The EIV Synopsis of Indicators has been released today at the EUROSTUDENT final conference in Copenhagen. The report provides comparative information from 25 countries on who gets into higher education, how they study and whether they go abroad during their studies.
Rome, 07 June 2011

Sesta Indagine EUROSTUDENT
Conference on the results
of the Italian Survey

On June 7th, the Fondazione Rui presented the results of the Sixth Italian EUROSTUDENT Survey at the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research in Rome. A round table discussion and statements of national experts rounded off the programme. A conference documentation is now accessible online!
Hannover, Germany, 05 May 2011

Final Conference in Copenhagen
15th - 16th June 2011

At the conference, the findings of EUROSTUDENT IV will be presented and discussed with experts from more than 20 countries. For more information on the programme and registration please follow the link below. The deadline for registration is 5th June. Looking forward to meeting you in Copenhagen!
Brussels, Belgium, 04 March 2011

EquNet Competition 2011
Inclusive Higher Education!
European Competition for Equity

How can fairness in higher education be improved? The EquNet project has launched a competition to raise attention for equity in access to higher education. The best contributions will be presented at the EquNet autumn conference and within the network. Entries can be photos, films or texts.
Hannover, Germany, 28 February 2011

Release of the EUROSTUDENT Newsletter No. 6, February 2011

The work on the Data Delivery Module is widely completed and it is in full use. Up to 22 countries have now delivered their data to the central coordinators.
We also have begun to write the first chapters of the EUROSTUDENT IV Synopsis of Indicators with a new design of the chapter structure.
Montreal, Canada, 05 January 2011

Comparative article on integrating older students into HE - challenges for evidence-based policy in Europe

The Canadian Journal of HE has recently published an article on the significance of age for study conditions using EUROSTUDENT data from across Europe. Age is associated with working during studies and with studying part-time, both more frequent for older students.
Stockholm, Sweden, 03 January 2011

National release of Swedish EUROSTUDENT study

A national analysis of the social and economic conditions of students in Sweden has been released by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education. Just under 25% of the students indicate to have enough money to cover their expenditure each month while 20% do not agree at all.
Budapest, Hungary, 09 December 2010

Release of first EQUNet report: Evolving diversity - An overview of equitable access to Higher Education in Europe

It gives a comparison of the state of equity in access to HE in the EU27 + EEA countries. Its indicators tackle entry into HE, equity as defined by socioeconomic background, income and expenditure of students. The indicators are matched with various examples of practice from around the continent.
Rome, Italy, 03 December 2010

EUROSTUDENT Italy on YouTube

The Fondazione RUI has produced two YouTube videos presenting a selection of results from their sixth Italian EUROSTUDENT report. Definitely worth a look!
Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 23 November 2010

National release of Swiss EUROSTUDENT study

A national analysis of the social and economic conditions of students in Switzerland has been released by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. 75% of students pursue their studies concurrently with paid work. Ahead of paid work, relatives remain the main source of financial support.
Hanover, Germany, 10 November 2010

The European research project OPULL – Opening Universities for Lifelong Learning

Dominic Orr joins advisory board for international comparative project on widening university participation. OPULL will investigate how universities are opening up to professionals, employees without academic qualifications, and applicants without higher education entrance certificates.
Valencia, Spain, 26 - 27 October 2010

The Social Dimension of Higher Education in Spain

Target groups of the event were vice-chancellors, students and researchers. It was organised by the University of Valencia together with the Ministry of Education. The General Secretary of Universities and the Chancellor of the University of Valencia inaugurated the symposium.
Ankara, Turkey, 21 October 2010

Workshop on data interpretation and context information

Preparations are being made for the forthcoming EUROSTUDENT workshop in Ankara. HIS visits the Middle Eastern Technology University (METU) in Ankara to prepare the workshop to be held at the end of November in conjunction with METU and the Turkish Council of Higher Education.
Copenhagen, Denmark, 01 October 2010

Eurostudent IV - Denmark

The Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation unveils its new EUROSTUDENT website. At the same time a first research note on Danish results have been released. This looks at how Danish students use their time.
Dubrovnik, Croatia, 27 - 28 September 2010

International Forum on Higher Education Reform

HIS represented EUROSTUDENT at the high level expert forum on higher education foresight organised in Dubrovnik by the Novi Sad Initiative. Dominic Orr talked about the challenge of organising effective higher education in the framework of improving the social dimension of higher education.
Maribor, Slovenia, 31 August - 31 December 2010

National release of Slovenian EUROSTUDENT study

A national analysis of the social and economic conditions of students in Slovenia has been released by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. It shows amongst other things that 42% of students travel more than 10 km to reach their place of learning.
Helsinki, Finland,

National release of Finnish EUROSTUDENT study

A national analysis of the social and economic conditions of students in Finland has been released by the Ministry of Education and Culture. It shows inter alia that 30% of students work regularly during their studies and that many students are concerned about their financial situation.